One of the most popular beliefs is that Lyme disease can be purely cured by antibiotics. While this can be true if the correct ones are given early enough, it is largely a falsehood in chronic conditions. The most important thing a patient can do is address all angles of healing with a complete treatment plan encompassing body, mind and spirit.
7 areas to focus on:
Antibacterials - this includes antibiotics (doxycycline, azithromycin, ceftin, amoxacillin, disulfiram, dapsone ) and herbal medications like japanese knot weed / cats claw combo, garlic, oregano, clove amongst others.
Biofilm disruptors - such as stevia and serrapeptase
Cyst Busters - can include physical, chemical or botanical approaches such as Tinidizole/Flagyl, Teasel Root and Sauna Therapy.
Immune support - utilizing Colostrum, medicinal mushrooms, zinc, Vit. C amongst others
Emotional Support - this include trauma informed counsellors that help you develop skills to move through the stress and come out the other end healthier
IV therapies - perhaps the most comprehensive of the natural medications - IV peroxide, IV Vit. C, IV Glutathione, IV artesunate and glyccrhizic acid to name the most common.
Helixor Injections - there is over 40 years of clinic research on the benefits of this medicine you can administer in the comfort of your home.
A comprehensive plan will include all these areas and while it is common to solely focus on antibiotics and a few supplements, those patients that do more, typically recover fast.